Original Oil On Canvas Framed

Image Size:  48" x 24"

Framed Size: TBC

RRP Framed:  £1,995.00

A dazzling new Original painting from Julie Ann Scott. The rickety old jetty stands stark against the brilliant arrays of blues & greens which illuminate the placid waters of the lake., which gradually disappears towards the distant hills.

This vivid Original work by Julie Ann would look superb in any setting

“Art should speak for itself, like a grown up. It doesn’t need long paragraphs to explain itself, or shock tactics to motivate change. By all means art should motivate, but I put it this way..nothing motivates or commands change more than a move of the heart. At our very core is where the catastrophic shift should be. All art should do heart surgery. This is what I try to achieve. I work chiefly using imagination, light and colour to create a mood and atmosphere that will lift the human soul to a position of hope.” Julie Ann Scott

(All measurements are approximate)


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Original Oil on Canvas Framed : (w) x (h)
RRP: £ 1995.00