Taking inspiration from children playing make believe, renowned artist

Caroline Shotton decided to raid the dressing up box to create her latest

release of wonderful and moo-ving pieces. Caroline has created a loveable

quartet of characters who, she says, "are set in a carefree, make-believe 

world where calves dress up as their favourite Superhero – and just LOOK

at that massive red lace bra!" 


And that isn’t all!  Each piece from her inspired new 'Cowmicon' series 

comes with its very own Cow Passport and Ear Tag making it very 

moo-bile, just in case you're thinking of sending it abroad or just moo-

ving house more locally!


The Incredible Hulk, Captain Amoorica, The Fabmoolous Wonder Cow 

and The Invincible Thor are adorable characters who want to stay with 

you for life, even if you em-moo-grate to Moo-rocco, The Moo-ldives or 

even Moo-naco…

So,if your children ever get a little bit moo-dy, ask them to dress up as their own favourite Superhero and let the magic commence!
