The wildness of the sea has occupied the minds of artists, writers and other creatives for centuries. The ocean lies wanton and unpredictable adding to its sublime beauty. This paradox of terror and allure is captured perfectly in Andrew Craig's oil paintings. Each piece represents the sea not as it is seen but as it is felt; Craig's contrasting use of colour draws the eye to the hope and the fear that the ocean brings.

There is a glimmer of light in the dark as the sea rages and hurls itself against the treacherous-looking cliffs, recognisable in Craig's previous work. Both equally dramatic and intriguing, calming yet energising, dive into Andrew Craig's new collection to 'Dance with Poseidon' or feel his wrath, to see 'Hope in the Dark' or swim in the 'Eternal Sea'.

Contact your nearest gallery now for more images and information on this fabulous new release!